It’s so good to get back to the blog.  I have been letting other aspects of life get in the way and I have missed connecting with you.  It’s an activity that keeps me grounded and I need the grounding, I assure you.  I have multiple balls in the air on most days.

The really great news in my life right now is the release of my newest book: Let Go Now: Embracing Detachment. I am really excited with it.  It was published by Conari and is available on amazon and can be ordered in all the bookstores too.  You can always “see inside” when you go to amazon, you know.  It’s a collection of 200 essays on how to let go of the others in our life so that they and we can live the journey we were meant to live.

People often ask me which of my books I like best and that’s not a question that’s easily answered, but I would have to say this particular one is extremely helpful, even to me as the author, because of the difficulty I continue to have letting other people live without my interference.

Interference is so subtle.  It can be as small as a glance of disapproval that’s noticed.  A frown when some one shares what his plan is.  It might be something verbalized or only harbored in one’s mind, but the effects are felt, regardless.  Our companions can generally tell what’s on our minds.  Our attempts to control are never unfelt.

I have been asked to explain in a couple of interviews what detachment really means.  Perhaps the best way to explain it is to talk about what it’s not.  It’s not being enmeshed with others.  It’s not being attached to the whims of every one around you, letting those whims determine your next move.  It’s being free of the need to agree with the opinions of your companions.  It’s allowing for the growth of those companions, understanding that what they do doesn’t define us.  It’s allowing others to have their feelings and not feel compelled to feel them too, or try to change them or be diminished by them.  In short, it’s  respecting others where they are and expecting that same respect in return.

Being able and willing to live a life that’s detached from the turmoil that might be present in the life of loved ones, is the greatest gift we can offer them.  And ourselves!

How effective are you at living a life that’s comfortably “detached” from others. Please share in the comment section.