Sorry I have been away for a while.  Surgery has a way of doing that to you.  It went well.  I got home from the hospital on Sunday afternoon but have not been able to sit at the computer.  Physical therapy is helping but the pain has a way of interfering with my thought processes.  I am getting around with a walker and will graduate to a cane in a few days.  My therapist and I walked outside for a short distance today and that was great.  The sun felt good and healing.

And what a miraculous thing: she is a “course” student too and wants to come to the group that meets in our home when we resume.  There are no accidents.  I love that awareness.

At noon today, a group of women are stopping by for a short meeting and bringing lunch.  That’s one of the beauties of recovery: we can always count on others to show up and walk us through the hard times.  I have to cut this short today.  I have sat in this chair as long as my hip will allow.  I just wanted to check in with you all and say I was doing well.  More in a day or two.  xoxoxo